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Memon Abdul Aziz Trading L.L.C.
Memon Electricals Trading L.L.C.
Logo - Astra S.A.


Astra S/A Indústria e Comércio, founded in 1957 in the city of Jundiaí – 60km from the capital of São Paulo – is a multi-specialized company that creates and commercializes products and solutions for people’s daily lives.

We have a varied portfolio, composed of items that are oriented to construction ranging from the foundation of the work to its finishing, from the technical to the decoration item.

We are constantly evolving its product lines, which is why it increasingly seeks the development of items that prioritize functional design, with a focus on practicality, beauty, and well-being.

Our mission is to be present with the largest number of items in the largest number of customers across Brazil and the world, with personalized service and products with functional design.

Astra is the plural of Astrum, which means “Astro”, in Latin. The company’s name arose in a meeting of the partners, at the time of its foundation, in 1957. The first Astra logo was created without pretense, from the need to elaborate a letterhead, also in 1957.

At the time, the method used was letterpress. Thus, Astra’s letterhead name was highlighted by distinct types, with the letters framed in rectangles. This model ended up being refined over the years, it gained new lines and the colors red and blue, but it always maintained its main characteristic: the red squares, which ended up serving as a reference to highlight Our line of action, as the small red squares remind building bricks.

In 2016, close to completing 60 years of activities, we presented a new version of our logo, which has evolved to suit the company’s field of action today. Check out the video that shows the evolution of our logo over the years.

In addition to its projects, such as our Mathematics Student Olympics, the Astra Choir, and the Astra-Finamex Concerts, the company is one of the few in the region of Jundiaí (SP) to use incentive laws to sponsor cultural and sports projects previously approved by the state and federal governments. In this way, part of the taxes to be paid by us are reverted in benefits for the society itself.

Cultural projects are undertaken by us with its resources or through incentive laws, such as the Rouanet Law (national) and Proac (state). To stimulate reading and logical reasoning, the company is concerned with encouraging young people and adults to have access to education. To offer opportunities to young athletes, we assign part of our taxes to projects in various sports modalities. 

Visit our official site!

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